Christian County and Lawrence County MRAs Endorse Conservative Republican Mike Moon for Senate in the 29th Senatorial District.

The Christian County MRA and the Lawrence County MRA proudly announce our joint endorsement of Conservative Republican Mike Moon for Senate in the 29th Senatorial District.

Mike Moon has consistently demonstrated a steadfast commitment to the conservative values crucial for our communities’ prosperity and well-being. His dedication to fiscal responsibility, limited government, and the protection of individual liberties aligns perfectly with the principles held by both the Christian County and Lawrence County MRAs.

Throughout his career, Mike Moon has been a vocal advocate for the rights of our citizens, ensuring that our voices are heard and respected in the legislative process. His proven leadership and unwavering integrity make him the ideal candidate to represent the 29th Senatorial District.

We are confident that Mike Moon will continue championing the causes that matter most to our communities, including economic growth, educational excellence, and preserving our traditional values. His experience and dedication are exactly what we need in the Missouri Senate.

We encourage all residents of the 29th Senatorial District to support Mike Moon for Senate. Together, we can ensure a bright and prosperous future for our district.

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