Christian County MRA Endorses Conservative Candidate for Christian County Assessor in the August 6, 2024, Primary.

At our regular meeting on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, the Christian County MRA (CCMRA) enthusiastically endorsed Jeremy Burns for the position of Christian County Assessor.

Jeremy Burns is a model of conservative values and dedication to efficient, transparent governance. With a proven track record in property assessment and local government, Burns has demonstrated his commitment to fairness, accuracy, and fiscal responsibility. His experience and integrity make him the ideal candidate to ensure our property assessments are conducted professionally and accurately.

The CCMRA believes that Jeremy Burns will bring a fresh perspective and unwavering dedication to the role of County Assessor. His commitment to conservative principles will ensure that our county’s resources are managed wisely, benefiting all residents of Christian County.

The Christian County Republican Assembly urges all voters to support Jeremy Burns for Christian County Assessor in the upcoming Primary Election on Tuesday, August 6, 2024.

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