News for Christian County Conservatives.

For breaking news and commentary covering politics, media, culture, and current elections.

Vetting the ability to say NO to fake Republicans

By Ronnie | December 11, 2023

How Do We Eliminate FAKE REPUBLICANS Who Vote with Democrats, Break Their Promises to Voters, and get Nothing Done that We Elected Them to Do? By VETTING them and saying “NO” to those…

America’s Digital Shield

By Ronnie | November 27, 2023

Protecting Democracy and Digital Safety Since late 2022, The Digital Shield project has allowed us to capture, archive, and analyze ephemeral (transitory) content 24 hours a day through the computers…

The “Mostly Peaceful” Days of Jihad Arrive In America

By Ronnie | October 13, 2023

Why do you think millions of Muslims came to your Christian country in the first place? Welcome to the International Day of Rage! The “mostly peaceful” days of jihad are…

Missouri GOP to choose presidential pick by caucus in 2024. Here’s how that works.

By Ronnie | October 11, 2023

Missouri GOP to choose presidential pick by caucus in 2024. Here’s how that works | Elections |

How to change your party affiliation on your voter registration in Christian County.

By Ronnie | October 11, 2023

To change your party affiliation, Please complete the Political Party Affiliation Change Form. The completed form can be emailed, mailed, or completed at the County Clerk’s Office. *Changing your political party…


By Ronnie | September 19, 2023

“LORD, WHAT CAN I DO?” This is what PreBorn! Founder Dan Steiner asked himself as he thought of the 800,000 babies being slaughtered each week by abortionists. This issue of abortion is…

5 Lies of the Pandemic! Please don’t Fall for Them Again!

By Ronnie | September 5, 2023

5 Lies of the Pandemic | America’s Frontline Doctors ( LIE No. 1: THE VIRUS WAS NOT ENGINEERED LIE No. 2: MASKS ARE SAFE AND EFFECTIVE LIE No. 3: THE…

Have You Updated Your Political Party Affiliation to Republican?

By Ronnie | August 23, 2023

Caucuses are coming! Update your Party Affiliation before go to the following link to complete: Voter Registration | Party Affiliation (

Take a Stand Now Missouri

By Ronnie | July 13, 2023

Initiative to Vet Republican Candidates at the County and Hopefully State Level

On Tuesday, August 22, 2023, I attended the JCMRA Meeting in Joplin to visit with a newly chartered assembly and listen to a presentation on “Vetting Republican Candidates at the County and Possibly the State Level.”

Mrs. Cyndia Haggard gave the presentation, Chair Vernon County Republican Central Committee.

Many Central Committee Members have probably heard this presentation, that being Mrs. Haggard’s goal “to get central committees on board with the process.” As stated in the meeting, her goal is to establish a Missouri Republican Association (yes, I noticed the Initial’s MRA) that includes as many Conservative Republican groups and organizations as possible to push “vetting of Republican Candidates” at the County level first and then the State Level. The State Republican Committee is not entirely on board with the process. Read the full synopsis in the link below and supporting court cases.

Jasper County MRA Meeting 08-22-2023

Duke v. Cleland

Miller v. Carnahan